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  • Writer's pictureAneesah Adat

Reflective Essay on Artefact 2050 Project

This module project has advised me to apply my understanding towards executing a design project, taking the initiative and allow me to investigate further into my chosen artefact piece and create visuals using different mediums, a magazine layout and collaborate with other students when putting together a layout spread.

Personally, I have been able to explore my artefact using wider research, for example when initially thinking of an artefact that should be chosen, I looked upon the module readings, and grew interests in Victor Papanek’s “Design for the Real World,” (Papanek, 2019) this having an impact on being ecological in my designs and as my time as a responsible designer.

Exploring various mediums, allowed me to divide my artefact into different substrates, in relation to the “Synthetic Trigger Mechanism” Theory (Synthetic Trigger Mechanism, 2020) developing my interpretation from the designs I had looked upon. It was very clear to understand where the designer grew his inspiration from and looking through my lens as well as what he had written on his award page (OMC Design Studios, 2016). I found freedom in this part of the project because It enabled me to explore different parts of the playing cards, for example, the symbols to the iconography, recognising all parts of what makes the Playing Card unique. Moreover, Greg’s Design Skills session gave me the advantage to find different mediums, such as model making, and be confident when it came to creating my 3D Playing Card packaging.

Another strength I had discovered through this module was the use of the 3D Blender Software which I had not used before, I was able to have a design and interpret it on this software, although, looking through videos online to find my way around 3D Blender and successfully created a 3D character, asking for advice through the campus’ technician email was beneficial to learn about the printing process. They guided me on the layout of my character on the software to be able to print it and how I will have to convert my file so it can be printed, this was very informative in reference to this module and for any future 3D model making.

There have been a few changes to my perspective about executing a design project such as there may be one magazine design layout I was inclined to choosing, however, when taking note of my feedback and exploring InDesign more, I preferred a different concept I had in mind, this made me understand that exploring different designs or concepts from my teammates is important, thus, helping me have a powerful iterative design process, based on previous work, and learn from any mistakes or find new ways of interpreting my ideas.

Overall, this module has given me the opportunity to work as an individual and as a teammate, with other students and gain feedback and advice through my module teachers as well as the technician department. I have benefited through my journey in Design Principles and have learned many lessons for future references.


OMC Design Studios (2016). Whimsical Playing Arts by Oksal Yesilok. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2021].

Papanek, V. (2019 3rd Edition). Design for the Real world. Thames & Hudson. [Accessed 3 Feb. 2021]

2020. Synthetic Trigger Mechanism. London: London College of Communication. [Accessed 1 Feb. 2021]

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