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July 2019 to August 2019

This being my first work experience I found it very interesting, I was excited to be apart of a diverse team as well as working with clients in their branding and marketing of their company's.

Little Napoli Restaurant: Welcome

Little Napoli

I had a great time designing a client's restaurant menu, the goal I wanted achieve with this design was a posh, premium restaurant, as I had done some preliminary research of their old menu, I was able to look at prices and the types of food which they sell to be able adapt the design of the menu to what they sell.

Little Napoli Restaurant: Image

Super Cut

Another client I had to design a loyalty card/ leaflet to be put in their shop to help them with advertising as well as creating loyalty for customers, using a stamp method that customers can use every time they go into the store.

The specification for this design was to use a red and black colour scheme as well as include features from a similar company to achieve Super Cuts loyalty card.

Little Napoli Restaurant: Image
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